Spell Candles
Want to manifest your desires?
Mama Magick's handmade, intention candles give your wishes an extra powerful boost. All candles are personally anointed with oils and herbs by Mama Magick aligned with the intention and energy you choose. Each candle has been cleansed, blessed and charged with the intention you desire to save you time, effort and for super manifesting convenience.
Intention candles and Wheel of the year Candles are sold individually. Multi-use packs are sold with one intention candle of each colour per pack.
Choose your intention carefully:
Red- Love, Lust, Desire, Sexuality, Passion, Fertility and Romance.
Herbs on the Red candle- Rose, Jasmine, Damiana, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Sweet Basil, Rosehips, Rose Buds and Rosemary.
Pink- Friendship, Self-Love, Compassion, Empathy, Kindness and Forgiveness.
Herbs on the Pink candle- Raspberry leaf, Hibiscus, Thyme, Mint, Sweet Basil, Parsley, comfrey and Rose Petals.
Blue- Calm, Peace, Focus, Energy and Study.
Herbs on the Blue candle- Peppermint, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Rosemary, Marjoram and Rhodiola.
Yellow- Vibrancy, Energy Healing, Positive vibes, Ambition and Good Mental Health.
Herbs on the Yellow candle- Ginger, Tumeric, Paprika, Chamomile, Yarrow root and Dandelion.
Orange- Confidence, Strength, Self-Esteem, Creativity and Goal Setting.
Herbs on the Orange candle- Ginger, Tumeric, Paprika, Cinnamon, Maca Root and Nettle.
Light Purple- Grounding, Relaxation, Meditation, Sleep, Stress-relief, Prayer and Gratitude.
Herbs on the Light Purple candle- Lavender, Chamomile, Comfrey, Marigold, Sage, Skull Cap and Vervain.
Dark Purple- Intuition, Divination, Psychic Powers, Spell work, Astral Travel, Lucid dreaming, Shadow work and Clairevoyance.
Herbs on the Dark Purple candle- Mugwort, Skull Cap, Dried Mushroom, Bay Leaf, Sage, Jasmine and Valerian Root.
Green- Money, Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity, Earth Magick, Fae work, grounding, Heart Chakra Healing and Good Luck.
Herbs on the Green candle- Sweet Basil, Cinnamon, Bay Leaf, Sage, Marjoram, Mint, Lemon Balm and Rosemary.
White- Protection, Clarity, Cleansing, Blessings, Prayer and Purification. White candles can be used to substitute any other colour candle.
Herbs on the White candle- Chamomile, Calendula, Rose Petals, Willow Bark Clary Sage, Palo Santo, Clove and Rosemary.
Black- Protection, Banishing Negative Energy, Cleansing, Hexing, Souring, Cord Cutting, Releasing and Baneful Magick.
Herbs on the Black candle- Sage, Clove, Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Palo Santo, Chilli flakes, Bay Leaf, Nettle and Rosemary.
Multi-use pack- Includes one of each colour with the herbs listed above.
Wheel of the Year Candle- An extra large sage scented candle, divided into 8 sections, one sectioin for each Sabbath in the Pagan Wheel of the Year. Sold as pack of 1.
From the top of the candle to the bottom, they are:
1. Samhain (31st Oct-1st Nov)
2. Yule / Winter Solstice (20th Dec-22nd Dec)
3. Imbolc (1st Feb)
4. Ostara/ Spring Equinox (21st Mar)
5. Beltane (30th Apr-1st May)
6. Litha/ Summer Solstice (21st Jun)
7. Lughnasadh/ Lammas (1st Aug)
8. Mabon/ Autumn Equinox (21st Sept)
IMPORTANT! Candles should never be left unattended when lit as herbs may fall off and may need to be extinguished. Place the candle in a fire proof candle holder on a fire resistant surface.